Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Jean-Charles de Castelbajac, Topkapital 2008

...Jean-Charles de Castelbajac...

Castelbajac stands for everything I believe in. I've been waiting a long time for art of this caliber to hatch. It exhibited at Paradise Row in London under the show name Triumph of the Sign. Fitting; very fitting.

"In Triumph of the Sign, Castelbajac presents a series
of paintings that articulate his fascination with, broadly,
the tensions and synergies between high art and
consumer culture, and most specifically that defining
element of contemporary visual culture – the brand logo."

Castelbajac also does fashion, and let me tell you, it's no short of exuberant. Anyone remember Lady Gaga and the green muppet sweater she wore to some event? That was Castelbajac. What about the Lego print dress? Castelbajac again. Man, I wish I had his money...


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